1973-2023. Fifty years of operation of the Maritime Museum of Crete are completed. Fifty years of effort to preserve and promote the maritime tradition and history of our country.
As part of the various anniversary events, a Concert was held on Saturday, August 19, 2023 at 8:00 p.m., in the courtyard of the “Firka” Fortress, with the internationally renowned soprano Anastasia Zannis, who collaborated with the excellent orchestra of diverse music “Asmosis”, under the artistic direction of Giorgos Tsilibaris.
Under the light of the August moon and in an atmospheric landscape of special historical importance, we all had the pleasure of enjoying a musical “journey” with unique musical melodies of the Greek and international staves. The coexistence of music by M. Hadjidakis, M. Theodorakis and M. Plessas, among others, with the music of Fr. Sinatra, G. Verdi and L. Dalla, took us on a trip to another era, contributing in the best possible way to the celebration of our Museum.