Activities Calendar

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Visit of the 1st Paratrooper Squadron

On Saturday, December 14, 2024, we had the pleasure of welcoming the Commander of the 1st Paratrooper Squadron and a group of newly enlisted soldiers to the Maritime Museum of Crete. The Commander and the soldiers were received by the President of the Museum, followed by an extensive tour of the Museum's premises and exhibits. The tour highlighted historical facts and artifacts, including those related to the Battle of Crete. At the end of the visit, ceremonial gifts were exchanged.

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Visit of the Hellenic Naval Academy

On Saturday, December 14, 2024, we had the pleasure of welcoming once again to the premises of the Maritime Museum of Crete fifty (50) cadets from all four years of the Hellenic Naval Academy. The visit took place as part of the Academy's Christmas educational voyage. Following their reception at the entrance, they were given an extensive guided tour of the Museum's collections. At the end of the tour, ceremonial gifts were exchanged.

Sunday December 1, 2024

111th Anniversary of the Union of Crete with Greece, Sunday

From our Museum's participation in the celebration events for the 110th anniversary of the Union of Crete with Mother Greece!

Following the conclusion of the Doxology at the Metropolitan Cathedral of Chania, and the raising of the Greek Flag at the "Firka" Fortress, a visit and guided tour were held at the premises of the Maritime Museum of Crete. The event included the presentation of new exhibits in the presence of the Representative of the Greek Government, Minister of State Mr. Makis Voridis.

Thursday, October 31, 2024

Public debate on the theme: "On the Capes of Homer: The Hospitality of the Sea in Culture and Development and the Challenges of Today"

On Thursday, October 31, 2024, we had the pleasure of hosting at the Maritime Museum of Crete, Neorio MORO "Permanent Exhibition of Ancient and Traditional Shipbuilding" a very interesting public discussion on the topic "On the Capes of Homer: The Hospitality of the Sea in Culture and Development and the Challenges of Today"

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05-07 Οctober, 2024

The Maritime Museum of Crete in the "Association of Mediterranean Maritime Museums (AMMM)"

It was with great honor and pleasure that we participated in the 29th forum of the "Association of Mediterranean Maritime Museums", held in Sesimbra, Portugal from 02 to 05 October 2024.

The Maritime Museum of Crete participated in the forum, after all the necessary procedures had been carried out and the application for the Museum's membership in the Union was accepted. The information about the existence of the Union became known when members of the Board of Directors of our Museum had visited the Maritime Museum in Piran, Slovenia, where the director of the museum there suggested and urged that our museum become a member of the Union (AMMM). The necessary supporting documents were immediately gathered and completed, so that our museum could officially become a member.

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14 September, 2024

Philatelic Exhibition on the theme of "Navigation" at the Postal and Telegraph Museum of Central Europe in Trieste, Italy

It is with great pleasure and honor that on Saturday, September 14, 2024 at 11:00 a.m., the opening of our philatelic exhibition on the theme "NAVIGATION - NAVIGAZIONE" was held at the Central European Telegraph and Postal Museum in Trieste, Italy, which is part of the philatelic collections of Maritime Museum of Crete.
The co-organizers of the exhibition are the Hellenic Foundation for the Culture of Italy, (Fondazione Ellenica di Cultura – Italia, Trieste), the Italian Post Office (Poste Italiane) with the Telegraph and Postal Museum of Central Europe (Museo Postale e Telegrafico della Mitteleuropa) and the Maritime Museum of Crete. The exhibition has been placed under the auspices of the Consulate General of Greece in Italy (Consolato Generali di Grecia), the Consulate of Cyprus in Italy (Consolato di Cipro) and the Greek Orthodox Community of Italy (Comunità Greco Orientale).

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05-07 June, 2024

Participation of the Maritime Museum of Crete in the "Cultural Heritage School 3" seminar

The seminar entitled "Cultural Heritage School 3", took place at the Archaeological Museum of Heraklion, Crete from 5 to 7 June 2024 and was organized by the Ministry of Culture, the US Embassy. in Athens, and the Greek Section of the International Council of Museums (ICOM).

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17-19 May, 2024

13rd Panhellenic Conference of Maritime Museums, Skiathos

The Maritime Museum of Crete, with the Chairman and members of the Board of Directors, participated with great joy and honor in the 13rd Panhellenic Conference of Maritime Museums, held in Skiathos on 17-19 May 2024. The Conference of Maritime Museums was organized with great success by the Municipality of Skiathos and the Museum of Maritime and Cultural Tradition of Skiathos, and was held under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture.

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Friday 24 May, 2024

83rd Anniversary of the Battle of Crete

83 years have passed since the Heroic Battle of Crete in 1941, a battle that remains a symbol of struggle, courage, self-sacrifice, heroism and determination for the prevalence of the ideals of freedom and Democracy.

As part of the anniversary events, a visit was made to the premises of the Maritime Museum of Crete, which hosts the Exhibition dedicated to the Battle of Crete in 1941.

Wednesday May 22, 2024

“Exhibition of Photography by Manolis Choustoulakis “Lighthouses of Brittany” with a keynote speech by Manolis Petrakis, Chariman of Maritime Museum of Crete” is locked Exhibition of Photography by Manolis Choustoulakis “Lighthouses of Brittany” with a keynote speech by Manolis Petrakis, Chariman of Maritime Museum of Crete

With the active participation of the Maritime Museum of Crete the inauguration of the photo exhibition Mr. Manolis Choustoulakis on the theme "Lighthouses of Brittany" was organized by  the Sailing Club of Chania. The event was organized as part of Sea Day and is a special opportunity to admire the beauty and magic of the lighthouses of Brittany through the lens of Mr. Manolis Choustoulakis.

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Saturday 18 May 2024

International Museum Day

The Maritime Museum of Crete is very happy to participate, as every year, in the International Museum Day on Saturday, May 18, 2024.

Opening hours

Central area: 09:00 - 16:00

Neorio MORO, Permanent Exhibition of Ancient and Traditional Shipbuilding: 09:20-16:00

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Saturday 27 April, 2024

Opening of Philatelic Exhibition 'Lighthouses of the World'

The exhibition traveled from the Maritime Museum of Crete to Santorini Maritime Museum where it will be hosted until October 25, 2024. The opening took place on Saturday, April 27, 2024  where the museum is housed, in the presence of distinguished guests, businessmen and residents of the island.

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16 Tuesday April, 2024

Event opening: The unquenchable light of the Olympic Flame Athens 2004-Paris 2024, from the participation of the three rowing ships TRIIRIS OLYMPIA - KERYNEA ELFTHERIA - MINOIC SHIP in the transfer of the Olympic Flame, Athens 2024

On Tuesday, April 16, 2024, at 7:30 p.m., the opening of the Photographic Exhibition of Mr. Argyris Mantis entitled: The unquenchable light of the Olympic Flame Athens 2004-Paris 2024 took place in the event hall of the "TETTIX" Cultural Organization in Athens, with the participation of the three rowing ships TRIIRIS OLYMPIA - KERYNEA ELFTHERIA - MINOIC SHIP in the transfer of the Olympic Flame in 2004. The Maritime Museum of Crete participates in the exhibition with great pleasure and honor with rich photographic material.

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Saturday 17 February, 2024

Visit of the Graduate Student (Hellenic Coastguard) of the Hellenic Naval Academy

As part of the educational trip of the Graduate Student (Hellenic Coastguard) of the Hellenic Nanal Academy, students together with the Director of Studies Captain HC Mr. Georgios Christianos, as well as the staff of the Merchant Marine Academy of Crete visited the Maritime Museum of Crete on Saturday, February 17, 2024.

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Saturday 10 February, 2024,

Visit of the Secretary General of the Aegean and Islands Policy Mr. Manolis Koutoulakis

On Saturday 10 February, 2024, as part of a commemorative event, on the occasion of the anniversary of the bombing of the Revolutionary Camp of Akrotiri, a visit was made to the Maritime Museum of Crete by the Secretary General of the Aegean and Islands Policy, Mr. Manolis Koutoulakis.

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Friday December 1, 2023

110th Anniversary of the Union of Crete with Greece

From the participation of our Museum in the Celebrations for the 110 years of the Union of Crete with Mother Greece!

After the end of the Doxology in the Metropolis of Chania and the raising of the Greek Flag at the "Firka" Fortress, a visit-guided tour of the premises of the Maritime Museum of Crete and the presentation of new exhibits followed with the presence of the President of the Hellenic Republic mrs. Katerina Sakellaropoulou.

Tuesday November 28, 2023

Presentation of the Book "Diary of the prevailing winds and events in the area of the port authority of Chania from January 1, 1899 to the end of December 1914"

The Maritime Museum of Crete on Wednesday, November 29, 2023 at 19:00 at the "Mikis Theodorakis" Theater in the Venetian Port of Chania presented the Calendar of the Port Authority of Chania of the first Harbor Master Georgios Kourokoutis HN entitled "Calendar of the prevailing winds and events in the area of the port authority of Chania from January 1, 1899 to the end of December 1914".

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Tuesday November 28, 2023

Book Presentation, "Adrias, They Were All Heroes, the biography of the legendary destroyer"

The Maritime Museum of Crete presented on Tuesday, November 28, 2023 at 18:30 at Neorio Moro, Permanent Exhibition of Ancient and Traditional Shipbuilding presented the book by distinguished journalist Margarita Pournara entitled "Adrias, They Were All Heroes, the biography of the legendary destroyer".

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Saturday August 19, 2023

Anniversary Music Event

1973-2023. Fifty years of operation of the Maritime Museum of Crete are completed. Fifty years of effort to preserve and promote the maritime tradition and history of our country.

As part of the various anniversary events, a Concert was held on Saturday, August 19, 2023 at 8:00 p.m., in the courtyard of the "Firka" Fortress, with the internationally renowned soprano Anastasia Zannis, who collaborated with the excellent orchestra of diverse music "Asmosis", under the artistic direction of Giorgos Tsiliparis.

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Thursday July 27, 2023

Visit of the Captain and the Crew Officers of Indian Warship "INS CHENNAI'"

On Thursday, July 27, 2023, we had the honor and pleasure of welcoming the Governor and Crew Officers of the Indian Warship "INS Chennai", who were given an extensive tour of the premises of the Maritime Museum of Crete. At the end of the tour, the customary exchange of gifts took place.

Friday July 14, 2023

Presentation evening of the SandMap program

On Friday, July 14 2023 at 19:30 at Neorio Moro (Permanent Exhibition of Ancient and Traditional Shipbuilding of the Maritime Museum of Crete) was held the presantation of the SandMap: Innovative System of Interactive Education and Cultivation of Spatial Learning program, of the Technical University of Crete, in which the Theodoropoulos School and the Maritime Museum of Crete particepated.

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Thursday July 13, 2023

Visit of Members of the Cretan Federation of Australia and New Zealand

On Thursday, July 13, 2023, as part of our long-standing relationships, we had the honor and pleasure of welcoming members of the Cretan Federation of Australia and New Zealand to the premises of the Maritime Museum of Crete. The delegation consisted, among others, of the President of the Federation Mr. Antonis Tsourdalakis and children of the third generation of Cretans in Australia.

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Friday July 7, 2023

Visit of Navy officers to the Maritime Museum of Crete

On Friday, July 07, 2023, we had the pleasure of welcoming the Comander, Officers and crew members of the "Limnos" Frigate F-451, as well as Students of the Permanent Naval Officers School to the premises of our Museum. At the entrance they were welcomed by the Chairman of the Museum Commodore (Eng.) Emm. Petrakis HN ret. Afterwards, a tour and guided tour of the Museum premises took place.

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Wednesday June 21, 2023

Visit of Members of the Branch of the Association of Veteran Air Officers of Greece

On Wednesday, June 21, 2023, we had the pleasure of welcoming of Members of the Branch of the Association of Veteran Air Officers of Greece to the premises of the Maritime Museum of Crete. An extensive tour of the premises and exhibits of our museum took place.

Friday, May 26, 2023

82nd anniversary of the Battle of Crete

In the framework of the Celebration of the 82nd anniversary of the Battle of Crete on Friday, May 26, a visit was made by the political and military leadership, as well as diplomatic followers to the premises of the Naval Museum of Crete, after the official raising of the flags of the allied states at the Fortress" Firka".

Thursday, May 18, 2023

International Museum Day 2023

On Thursday, May 18, 2023, as every year, the Maritime Museum of Crete actively participated in the celebration of International Museum Day. In this context, free guided tours were held between 12:00 and 13:00 both in the central area of the Maritime Museum of Crete, and in the area of the Permanent Exhibition of Ancient and Traditional Shipbuilding - Neorio MORO.

March, 2023

New Exhibits – Donation to the Maritime Museum of Crete

We were very happy to receive an exceptional Donation in the last few days at our Museum.

Our dear friend President of the Cretan Federation of Australia and New Zealand Mr. Antonis Tsourdalakis has sent us from Australia four collectible empty cookie boxes produced by the ANZAC team and two excellent frames one of which contains three collectible numbered envelopes, issued by the Cretan Federation of Australia and New Zealand with fine medals commemorating the 80th Anniversary of the Battle of Crete.

Saturday, March 11, 2023

Visit of military staff from the international exercise “ARIADNI 23”

It was with great pleasure that we welcomed military officers and crew members to the Maritime Museum of Crete on Saturday, March 11, 2023, as part of the international exercise “ARIADNI 23”. An extensive guided tour of the premises of our Museum took place and at the end of the guided tour, the exchange of customary gifts followed.

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Visit of captain and crew of Frigate “Nikiforos Fokas”

We had welcomed with great honor to the Maritime Museum of Crete on Tuesday, January 24, 2023 the captain and members of the crew of Frigate “Nikiforos Fokas”. An extensive guided tour of the premises of our Museum was carried out and at the end of the guided tour the exchange of customary gifts followed.

Thursday, December 01, 2022

109th Anniversary of the Union of Crete with Greece

From the participation of our Museum in the Celebrations for the 109 years of the Union of Crete with mother Greece!

After the end of the Doxology in the Metropolis of Chania and the raising of the Greek Flag at the "Firka" Fortress, a visit-guided tour of the premises of the Maritime Museum of Crete and the presentation of new exhibits followed.

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Visit of EUNAVFOR MED IRINI and Frigate "Aegeon" military staff to the Maritime Museum of Crete

The Maritime Museum of Crete welcomed on Thursday, November 24, 2022 the European Union Naval Force Mediterranean Operation IRINI (EUNAVFOR MED IRINI) military staff and the military staff of the Frigate "Aegeon". They were welcomed and an extensive guided tour of the Museum premises took place. At the end of the tour, the exchange of ceremonial gifts followed.

19 November, 2022

Concert with the Music of the Hellenic Navy in Concert with the Music of the Hellenic Navy in Chania

Once again the excellent Music of the Hellenic Navy in Chania!

With the title "The city of Chania celebrates" both the patron saint of our city, Holy Mary, and Armed Forces Day (21 November), on Saturday 19 November 2022 at 19:00 at the "Mikis Theodorakis" Theatre, an excellent concert was held, a melodious journey with International and Greek repertoire. 31 Musicians and 5 singers with Chief Musician Plotarchis (E) A. Karagoudakis HN. they led us to a musical feast.

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Saturday, October 22, 2022

Visit of NATO military staff to the Maritime Museum of Crete

The Maritime Museum of Crete welcomed on Saturday, on October 22, 2022 the Spanish Vice Admiral Commander of the Combined Air Operations Center of NATO in Madrid (CAOC Torrejon) Lt. General Fernando De La Cruz Caravaca accompanied by the Deputy Commander of the Center Air Commodore Evangelos Tzikas with their wives and by Assistant Chief Alejandro Talavera. They were welcomed by the Chairman of the Museum Commodore (Eng.) Emmanuel Petrakis HN ret. and an extensive guided tour of the Museum premises took place. At the end of the tour, the exchange of ceremonial gifts followed.

16-18 September, 2022

The Maritime Museum of Crete at the 2nd International Ship Modeling Days - Exhibition

The 2nd International Ship Modeling Days, that took place on September 16-18, 2022 at the Hamburg International Maritime Museum with great success, in which the Maritime Museum of Crete participated, being the only Maritime Museum from Greece.
On Friday, September 16, at 11:00 am, the opening of the exhibition took place with a massive attendance of people. The Chairman of the International Maritime Museum of Hamburg Mr. Peter Tamm jun. made a speech and then a short speech was given by the Chairman of the Maritime Museum of Crete Mr. Emmanuel Petrakis Commodore (Eng) HN ret. The Maritime Museum of Crete was the honorary museum from a group of 60 exhibitors from 40 different countries of the world with at least 210 different exhibits.

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Saturday 04 June, 2022

Visit of the President of the Cretan Federation of Australia and New Zealand Mr. Antonis Tsourdalakis

On Thursday 04 June, 2022, we had the pleasure of welcoming to the Maritime Museum of Crete the President of the Cretan Federation of Australia and New Zealand Mr. Antonis Tsourdalakis accompanied by Mr. Georgios Kosmadakis. At the entrance they were welcomed by the President of the Museum Commodore (Eng) Emmanuel Petrakis HN ret with deputy general secretary Mrs. Eleftheria Douka. A guided tour of the premises of our Museum took place, and in particular the exhibition on the Battle of Crete, with special emphasis on the Naval operations of that period, but also the sign for the Battle on 42nd Street in Tsikalaria, Chania. At the end of the tour, there was an extensive discussion on issues of common interest and the joint implementation of cultural activities and events both in Greece and in Australia, and at the end of the discussions, the exchange of ceremonial gifts followed.

01 December, 2021

108th Anniversary of the Union of Crete with Greece

From the participation of our Museum in the Celebrations for the 108 years of the Union of Crete with mother Greece!

15 November, 2021

Signing of a Memorandum of Cooperation between the Maritime Museum of Crete and the Hellenic Ιnstitute of Maritime History (H.Ι.M.Η)

On Monday, November 15, 2021, a Memorandum of Cooperation was signed between the Maritime Museum of Crete and the Hellenic Ιnstitute of Maritime History (H.Ι.M.Η). in Piraeus, at the exceptional premises of the Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundation. The memorandum was signed by the Chairman of H.Ι.M.Η Mr. Konstantinos Mazarakis - Ainian and the Chairman of the Maritime Mouseum of Crete Mr. Emmanuel Petrakis. The signing of the memorandum emphasizes the extroversion of our Museum and the harmonious cooperation between Maritime Tradition vectors for the better promotion and preservation of the Maritime Heritage and the History of our place.

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05 June 2021 - 15 October 2021

Ending of the Exhibition "ΕΠΑΝΑCΥΣΤΑΣΗ 21: Chania"

With great joy and emotion on Friday, June 15, the parody exhibition entitled "ΕΠΑΝΑCΥΣΤΑΣΗ 21: Chania" was completed, which we had the honor to host by the National History Museum for the period June-October 2021.

The exhibition presented authentic relics of the Struggle from the rich Collections of EIM as well as documents from the Archive of Historical Documents of the Historical and Ethnological Society of Greece. Their presentation was enriched with digitized visual material (video). Following the historical course of Hellenism from the end of the 18th century. until 1830, the ideas, causes, persons, events and results of the Independence Struggle emerged.

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July 31-August 1, 2021

Article in the New York Magazine "Εθνικός Κήρυκας"

In recent years, the Maritime Museum of Crete has made every effort to preserve and promote the Maritime Tradition and History of our country through its exhibits and collections. On the weekend of July 31 and August 1, the "Εθνικός Κήρυκας" magazine of New York published an article for the temporary exhibition entitled "REVOLUTION 21", which is hosted until the end of October at the Maritme Museum of Crete at the Neoro MORO by the National Historical Museum. The exhibition was established in the context of the completion of 200 years since the Greek Revolution of 1821 and is divided into seven sections with emphasis on the revolutionary movements in Crete.

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July 4, 2021

The Maritime Museum of Crete at CRETAN TIMES, Magazine of the Cretan Federation of Australia and New Zealand.

On July 4, 2021 we had the special honor and pleasure to include a text for the Maritime Museum of Crete in CRETAN TIMES, Magazine of the Cretan Federation of Australia and New Zealand. The text is a first acquaintance with the premises of the Museum and our cultural activity with the Cretans of Australia and New Zealand, whom we hope to welcome in our premises.

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05 June, 2021 - 15 October, 2021

Exhibition "ΕΠΑΝΑCYΣΤΑΣΗ 21: Chania"

In the context of the excellent relations and cooperation of the Maritime Museum of Crete with the National Historical Museum of Greece, we are in the pleasant position to welcome the temporary exhibition "ΕΠΑΝΑCYΣΤΑΣΗ 21: Chania" at the Shipyard of MORO. The Maritime Museum of Crete is one of the 11 regional Museums of the "Initiative 1821-2021", participating in the Anniversary Program "ΕΠΑΝΑCYΣΤΑΣΗ ΄21" with the ultimate goal of honoring the 200th anniversary of the Greek Revolution. The opening of the exhibition will take place on Saturday 05 June, 2021 at 20:00 with speech and greetings from representatives of the co-organizers. It will last until October 2021. Throughout the exhibition, all the health rules that the State has established against Covid 19 will be observed.

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Saturday 05 June, 2021

Ιnauguration of exhibition "ΕΠΑΝΑCYΣΤΑΣΗ 21: Chania"

In the context of the excellent relations and cooperation of the Maritime Museum of Crete with the National Historical Museum of Greece, we are in the pleasant position to welcome the temporary exhibition "ΕΠΑΝΑCYΣΤΑΣΗ 21: Chania" at the Shipyard of MORO. The Maritime Museum of Crete is one of the 11 regional Museums of the "Initiative 1821-2021", participating in the Anniversary Program "ΕΠΑΝΑCYΣΤΑΣΗ ΄21" with the ultimate goal of honoring the 200th anniversary of the Greek Revolution. The opening of the exhibition will take place on Saturday 05 June, 2021 at 20:00 with speech and greetings from representatives of the co-organizers. It will last until October 2021. Throughout the exhibition, all the health rules that the State has established against Covid 19 will be observed.

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Tuesday 18 May, 2021

Commemorative medals for Anniversary of 80 years since the Battle of Crete

As part of the anniversary events for the completion of 80 Years since the Battle of Crete, commemorative medals are available for sale at the Maritime Museum of Crete at the special price of 30.00 € for silver plated and  25.00 € for bronze.

Tuesday 18 May, 2021

80 Years since the Battle of Crete

The Maritime Musuem participated in the Events of the 80th Anniversary of the Battle of Crete. We welcomed and guided the Ambassadors of the Allied States to our rooms.

Tuesday 18 May, 2021

International Museums Days

As part of the celebration of World Museum Day, on Tuesday, May 18, 2021, our Museum participated, as every year, with Free Admission.
There was also a walk - guided tour from Neorio Moro (Permanent Exhibition of Ancient and Traditional Shipbuilding) to the Lighthouse of Chania, in a conference organized by the Maritime Museum of Crete with the Municipality of Chania and the Municipal Port Fund of Chania.

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Sunday 02 August, 2020

Concert with the Music of the Navy

Once again, we were pleased to welcome the award-winning Music of the Navy, made available by the Chief of the Navy’s General Staff, for a special music meeting on Sunday August 11, 2019.

After its distinction at the European Tattoo Festival in Basel, Switzerland, Navy Music was be with us for a musical journey with great tunes giving “Our best years”. Well-known and beloved songs from the decade were be heard in the Theatre of East Tafros.

The event was co-organized by the Region of Crete – Regional Unit of Chania, the Municipality of Chania, Keppedix-Kam and the Maritime Museum of Crete.


March, 2020

New book, "Chania - Maritime Museum of Crete"

A new pocket book was released by our Museum before COVID-19.
Contains excellent photos along with documented texts in Greek and English, for Chania and its Region and for the Maritime Museum of Crete.
The book promotes our History and Culture in the best way.
Available exclusively from our Museum in a limited number of copies and at a special price.

Wednesday 15 January, 2020

Visit of students from IEK Delta 360

On Wednesday 15 January 2020 we had the pleasure of welcoming the students of IEK Delta 360 in the field of tourism. Students had the opportunity to see the permanent exhibition of the museum, which includes 2,500 exhibits such as relics, artifacts recovered from the seabed, paintings, maps, photographs, ship models, various nautical instruments and more.

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Wishes from Maritime Museum of Crete

The President, the Board of Directors and the staff of the Maritime Museum of Crete wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Creative 2020!

Sunday 01 December 2019

Anniversary Event for the Union of Crete

In celebration of the 106th anniversary of the Union of Crete with the rest of Greece, anniversary events were held. In the early hours of Sunday, December 01, 2019, at the end of the doxology at the Holy Metropolitan Church of Chania, the President of the Hellenic Republic held the Greek Flag at the Firka Fortress.

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Saturday 30 November 2019

“Knowing our municipality, 2019”

A free tour took place on Saturday November 30, 2019 at the premises of the Maritime Museum of Crete. The tour was part of the highly successful free tour program of the Municipality of Chania “KNOWING OUR MUNICIPALITY”, which is being carried out in collaboration with Archeology, tourist and other local authorities, in order to satisfy the preferences of our citizens and visitors.

Tuesday 12 November 2019

Visit of the Ambassador of Moldova

Tuesday morning, November 12, 2019, we had the honor and pleasure to receive at our Museum the Moldovan Ambassador Anatol Vangheli, who was in Chania to attend the inauguration of the Honorary Consulate of Moldova in Chania.
A tour of our premises was attended by the new Honorary Ambassador Mr. Yiannis Theodoroglakis as well as accredited staff of the Embassy.

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Sunday 10 November 2019

Visit of the Chairman and Directors of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

In the afternoon of Sunday, November 10th, we had the honor and the pleasure of being the Maritime Museum of Crete to welcome representatives of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences to our premises. The Head of the Academic Delegates was the President of the School, Mr. Xie Fuzhan, who represented, and various departments of the School such as the Director General of the Institute of European Studies and the Director General of the Institute of Archeology.

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Friday 01 November 2019

Participation of the Maritime Museum of Crete in the 21st Information Meeting of the Directorate of Modern Cultural Heritage

The Maritime Museum of Crete participated in the work of the 21st Education and Modern Greek Cultural Heritage Information Meeting organized by the Directorate of Modern Cultural Heritage in collaboration with the Greek section of the International Council of Museums (ICOM), on "Experiments: Performing Arts at the Museum ”, at the Ministry of Culture on Friday, November 01, 2019, where the new educational program of the museum entitled" The Adventures of Odysseus "was presented.

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22, 24, 26 October 2019

Events: Destroyer Adrias "Pride of Memories"

The Maritime Museum of Crete, on the occasion of the 76th anniversary of the impaction to a stupor of the legendary Destroyer "ADRIAS" (L-67), invites you to the Anniversary Event "Memories of Pride" on October 22, 2019 at 18:30 in Athens, Historic Ethnological Society of Greece - National Historical Museum (Palace of the Old House), which will be honored by  the President of the Hellenic Republic, Mr. Prokopios Pavlopoulos. This anniversary event will then be presented at the Municipality of Poros at the A. Sygrou Building on October 24, 2019 at 18:30 and finally in Hydra on October 26, 2019 at 18:30 at the Historical Archive - Museum of Hydra.

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Thursday 17 October 2019

Filming by South Korean Channel at the Maritime Museum of Crete

The Maritime Museum of Crete, actively participating in the Viewing of Local Tradition and Maritime History of our country, welcomed representatives of South Korea's Shinsegae television coverage company. The theme of the production is "2500th Anniversary of the Battle of Salamis, Clash of Aegean Civilizations".

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Saturday 25 August 2019

100 Years Historical Archive - Museum of Hydra

It was with great honor and pleasure that we were lucky enough to attend the events marking the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the Historical Archive - Museum of Hydra.
Among the events was an exquisite music event, held on Saturday August 25th in Hydra on the theme "Maria Callas Night, Viva Callas" with the award-winning Armenian mezzo-soprano Varduhi Khachatryan and the excellent pianist Corrado Valvois this purpose.

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Sunday 11 August 2019

Concert with the Music of the Navy

Once again, we were pleased to welcome the award-winning Music of the Navy, made available by the Chief of the Navy's General Staff, for a special music meeting on Sunday August 11, 2019.

After its distinction at the European Tattoo Festival in Basel, Switzerland, Navy Music was be with us for a musical journey with great tunes giving "Date at Sixties". Well-known and beloved songs from the decade will be heard in the backyard of the Firka Fortress.

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Saturday 25 May 2019

Awards for Members and Friends of the Maritime Museum of Crete, Thursday 6 June 2019

On Thursday, June 6, 2019, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Maritime Museum of Crete, Emmanuel Petrakis, Commodore (E) HN ret., as well as members and friends of the Museum, met the Chief of the Hellenic Navy General Staff, Vice Admiral Nicolaos Tsounis HN and members of the Supreme Naval Council.

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Saturday 25 May 2019

“Knowing our Municipality” 2019

For another year in the framework of the program of the Municipality of Chania "Knowing our Municipality", a free guided tour on the subject "Lighthouse of Chania and Permanent exhibition of Ancient and Traditional Shipbuilding" took place on Saturday, May 25, 2019.

The tour was carried out by the President of the Maritime Museum of Crete Commodore (E) Emm. Petrakis H.N. ret.

Wednesday 22 May 2019

20th Children’s Expression and Creation 2019

On May 22, 2019 at 17:30, the 20th Children's Expression and Creation in the shipyard "Moro" tοοk place from the Maritime Museum of Crete. During the event, various events were presented by students of Primary Schools who participated in the Museum's Educational Programs for the school year 2018-2019. The best paintings of the students were also awarded in the framework of the Painting Competition on the theme of the 78th Anniversary of the Battle of Crete.

Saturday 18 May 2019

Musical Walk in the City Museum

The music company "Καθ' Ωδών"  invite you to a spring walk in city museums on Saturday, May 18th.

We celebrate the International Museum Day and visit the Municipal Gallery, the Archaeological Museum, the Maritime Museum of Crete, the Firka Fortress and the Byzantine / Post-Byzantine Collection of Chania.

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11-12-2018 / 20-01-2019

Philatelic exhibition in Trieste, Italy, "Christianity", 2018-2019

The exhibition was inaugurated on Tuesday, December 11, 2018, at 17:30, at the Postal and Telegraphic Central European Museum in Trieste. It is titled "Christianity" and is part of the collections of the Maritime Museum of Crete, which has its editing.

The exhibition will remain open until 20 January 2019.

It was organized by the Hellenic Foundation for Culture of Italy in collaboration with the Telegraphic Museum of Central Europe, the Community of Greek Orthodox Trieste and with the support of the "Trieste-Grecia Giorgio Constantinides" Association. The event is under the auspices of the Municipality of Trieste, the Honorary Consulates of Greece and Cyprus in Trieste and is included in the program of events celebrating Saint Nicolas, patron of the Greek Orthodox Community of Trieste.

The exhibition is an action of the "Tempo Forte Italy-Greece 2018" program, promoted by the Italian Embassy in Athens and ratified at the first Intergovernmental Summit between Italy and Greece on 14 September 2017 in Corfu with the aim of cultivating and supporting cultural relations between the two countries. The inaugural event was well-suited in Italy's press.


Event for the Anniversary of the Union of Crete with Greece

Event for the Anniversary of the Union of Crete with Greece. After the end of the event held in the courtyard of the Firka Fortress, a visit of the Official people was made to the Museum, where two new models of ships were presented (Destroyer Adrias & Landing Support Craft Maridakis).


I know & I respect my city 2018

For another year in the framework of the program of the Municipality of Chania "I Know My City" on Sunday, November 4, 2018, a tour will take place at the Maritime Museum of Crete.

10:30 am on Sunday morning at the entrance of the Firka Fortress. The tour will be held by the Chairman of the Board of Directors, of the Museum Commodore (E) Manolis Petrakis HN ret.


Visit - Guided tour

Visit - Guided tours to the officers and crew members of Frigate Elli.


Concert at the Firka Fortress

The Municipality of Chania, CAM and the Maritime Museum of Crete co-organized a musical event with VAMOS ENSEMBLE in the courtyard of the Firka Fortress with free admission.

The Vamos Ensemble is a set of eighteen professional and amateur musicians, with Symphonic Orchestra composition. Based on the village of Vamos in Chania, where they began five years ago and originated from different places not only of Greece but also of other European countries, they present musicals of the world with excellent orchestrations, creating unexpected coverings as well as marriages of musically seemingly unconnected. So the lyrical song meets rebetiko, the Irish folklore the traditional Greek music, Vamvakaris meets Rolling Stones, Kurt Weill meets Manos Hadjidakis and Mikis Theodorakis, Bregovic meets Savopoulos and Crete meets Corsica.
With them, Ioanna Forti, a singer with an unusually wide repertoire (opera, operetta, baroque, words, artistic and folk Greek music, musicals and others) and a unique ability to go through a lot of musical idioms, will present songs from the staff of the repertoire always with the characteristic sound of "Vamos Ensemble.


Conference of Maritime Museums of Greece

It was organized by the Municipality of Kavala and the Municipal Maritime Museum of Kavala and was held at the Conference Center of Hotel Lucy. The title of the special theme of the conference was "Neapolis - Christopolis - Kavala, Mosaics of the nautical history of our country." The works of the conference were held under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture and Sports. The work of our Museum was presented by the President who also participated in the organizing committee.


"Knowing our Municipality", 2018

For another year as part of the program of the Municipality of Chania "Knowing our Municipality", free guided tours on the subject "Lighthouse of Chania and Permanent exhibition of Ancient and Traditional Naval Architecture" took place on Saturday, June 2, 2018.

The tour was conducted by the Chariman of Maritime Museum of Crete, Commodore (E) Manolis Petrakis, HΝ ret.


Students of Hellenic Army Accademy at the Maritime Museum of Crete, 18 May 2018

In the context of the Anniversary Events for the 77th Battle of Crete, after the flags raising at the FIRKA Fortress (10:00 am), the Delegation of the Students of the Hellenic Army School with their Commander General Major Charalambos Lalousis and their Chiefs visited the Maritime Museum of Crete.

At the entrance were the President of the Museum Commodore (E) Emm. Petrakis HΝ ret. with members of the Board of Directors and after the taking of commemorative photos, there was a tour at the Museum. We have emphasized the value that the Battle of Crete and the struggle our ancestors have for us all.
Prior to their departure, the General offered a commemorative medal for the 190th Anniversary since the founding of the school. The President of the Maritime Museum offered a personal stamp on the Battle of Crete with a golden stamp on the 1st day of circulation.
Farewell to the Chairman of the Museum wished them good careers and good fortune in their Military life.


Anniversary Events for the Battle of Crete, 2018

Participation of the Museum in the celebration of the Anniversary Events for the 77th Battle of Crete. After the flags raising in the FIRKA fortress, a visit to the Museum was made by the representatives of the official Authorities of our city, the Religious and Military Authorities.


"Knowing our Municipality", 2018

For another year as part of the program of the Municipality of Chania "Knowing our Municipality", free guided tours on the subject "Lighthouse of Chania and Permanent exhibition of Ancient and Traditional Naval Architecture" took place on Saturday, April 28, 2018.

The tour was conducted by the Chariman of Maritime Museum of Crete, Commodore (E) Manolis Petrakis, HΝ ret.


Visit - Guided tour

Visit - Guided tours to the Directors of the Crete Naval Base and their staff.


Visit - Guided tour

Visit - Guided tours to the Directors of the Crete Naval Base and their staff.

26-11-2017 / 03-12-2017

Grand opening of Painting Exhibition Memories of "Liberty Ships"

On Sunday, November 26 at 6:30 pm, the grand opening of the painting exhibition entitled Memories of "Liberty Ships" at the Sailing Club in Chania of the ex Liberty Chief "CRETE" and painter now Ioannis Giapalakis. Duration until December 3rd.

The exhibition includes 30 seascapes of legendary ships that contributed substantially to the development of the Greek Fleet around the world, and decommissioned in the early 1970s.

15-05-2016 έως 22-05-2016

75 years since the Battle of Crete

75 years since the Battle of Crete

Music program of the Navy band


Grand opening of Nelson Exhibition at the Maritime Museum of Crete 2015

On Saturday, June 27, at 20:00, the "Admiral's Naval Gallery Horatio Nelson" opens with an event in the atrium of the Firka Fortress in the harbor of Chania, in Crete. Speaker will be the Honorary Fleet Chief, Vice Admiral Konstantinos Mazarakis-Ainian, on the subject "Admiral Horatio Nelson, a timeless naval personality."

Afterwards, the exhibition of the Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundation will be inaugurated at the Maritime Museum of Crete by the Minister of Economy of Marine Infrastructure and Tourism Mr. George Stathakis.

Admiral Nelson emerged from his achievements during the Napoleonic wars. He was by far important to the British Navy in the second half of the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. Already, since the early years of his career, he has acquired a reputation as a leader in the crews of his ships. He had a naval perception and was infuriated by extreme aggression against the enemy. His tactic in the war by sea was the hunting of the enemy fleet and the direct attack against him from the minimum possible distance to achieve the maximum damage to the rival ships of the line with crossbows from a distance of a few meters.He was injured many times during battles, losing one eye and one hand. The most famous of his victories is the Battle of Trafalgar, in 1805, during which he was killed shortly before the end of the naval battle by a French shooter.

The exhibition will remain open until the first week of September.

Nelson Exhibition Leaflet at the Maritime Museum of Crete

04-12-2014 / 31-03-2015

Periodical exhibition in the Byzantine & Christian Museum 2014

"Domenicos Theotopoulos before El Greco" December 4, 2014 to March 31, 2015

For the first time, an exhibition attempts to interpret Domenicos Theotokopoulos based on the social and cultural environment that has set his sovereign artistic choices. The report is developed in three sections.

The first presents the importance of Crete for Venice in the 16th century and maps the social, ideological and economic structure of the island, with a tool for the city-country relationship.

The second examines the artistic phenomena of the particular urban, cosmopolitan environment of the Cretan cities, emphasizing how Cretan painters attempted to combine Byzantine with Western tradition.

The last section builds an interpretation for the Cretan period of Theotokopoulos, with a basic tool for the stylistic examination of his works and their comparison with other Cretan works. What were the reasons that led Theotokopoulos to depart for Venice in the fall of 1567 or the spring of 1568.

Disposing of exhibits for the periodical exhibition "Domenicos Theotokopoulos before El Greco" at the Byzantine and Christian Museum, as part of a larger tribute to the 400 years since the death of El Greco.

Byzantine and Christian Museum's periodic exhibition titled "Art and Society in Crete during the Domenikos Theotokopoulos" - which will last until March 2015, aims to present to the public the environment in which the artistic physiognomy of Domenikos Theotokopoulos in Crete, before his departure for Venice. The exhibition, following the modern museological principles, develops vertebrate, with basic axes of various aspects of society and art in the second half of the 16th century.
The exhibition, following the modern museological principles, develops vertebrate, with basic axes of various aspects of society and art in the second half of the 16th century.


Newspaper "Kathimerini" presentation of the new publishing series 2014 "LEADERS"

November 24, 2014
Participation in an event - presentation of the new editorial series "LEADERS" and specifically of the volume referring to Eleftherios Venizelos which was organized by Kathimerini newspaper and the National Research and Research Foundation "Eleftherios K. Venizelos" at the Center of Mediterranean Architecture, of the Historical Archive of Crete.

17-10-2014 / 19-10-2014

Corsairs & pirates in the eastern mediterranean 15th - 19th century 2014


17 to 19 October 2014

Participation in the 2nd International Scientific Conference on Browsing and Mapping of the Greek Space organized by the Sylvia Ioannou foundation foundation at the Cycladic Museum on "CORSAIRS & PIRATES IN THE EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN 15TH - 19TH CENTURY"

The main and main objective of the Congress was to re-examine the historical dimensions of a phenomenon that is constantly coming back to the fore at the end of the 19th century, being reviewed in detail, but knowing that this phenomenon continues to flourish even today.
2nd International Scientific Conference

From 17th to 19th October 2014, the 2nd International Scientific Conference on Surveying and Mapping of the Hellenic Space organized by Sylvias Ioannou Foundation at the Museum of Cycladic Art (Neophytou 4, Kolonaki) was organized with great success. Once again there were also representatives of the Maritime Museum of Crete, who perceived the knowledge and opinions of the distinguished speakers.
The main objective of the Congress was to re-examine the historical dimensions of a phenomenon that is constantly coming to the fore by the end of the 19th century, being reviewed in detail, but knowing that this phenomenon continues to flourish even today.
Speech approaches covered the following sections:
- Places of piracy
- Scale and type of raids on merchant ships
- Politics and Legality
- Piracy and State
- Illustrations of Pirate
- Piracy. Past and Present
The Organizing Committee was Ms Sylvia Ioannou, President and Founder of the Foundation, and Ms Artemis Skoutari, Foundation Director. The pleasant surprise - acquaintance with us was our acquaintance with our distinguished scientist, our associate professor, Mr. Nicholas Chr. Stambolididis, Director of the Museum of Cycladic Art, who not only welcomed the opening session, making a historical retrospective of piracy from antiquity to our days, stalling us in his own words, but also accepting our proposal for participation in an event in our Chania as a central speaker, presenting this issue in a brilliant way.
Significant members of the international academic community over thirty (30) if I remember well developed their positions on piracy and tested and established accordingly.


Sailing ships forming a headform a smart idea for the formal poster of the conference. Cruelty marks the pirates' trademark.

Resalto in the turbulent waters of the Eastern Mediterranean in the Middle Ages that the Greeks played a leading role.
In the sessions we watched, the following presentations were presented in a brilliant way

- Places of Piracy: Mapping Piracy in Early Modern Mediterranean by Captioning Stories (Eda Ozel)

With the discovery of Tunis in 1574, the Ottomans guaranteed partial control and relations of mutual dependence with the North African regions of Tunis, Algeria and Tripoli, three historically active pirate bases in the Mediterranean.
The presentation was based on a narrative of narratives written by Muslim prisoners in North Africa in order to set up a map of pirated confrontations in the Mediterranean from 1574 to 1650.

- Pirates during the Revolution: Persons of Piracy and the Response of Local Societies (D. Dimitropoulos).
The subject of the announcement was the pirate action developed by Greeks mainly pirates during the Revolution of 1821.
The impact of piracy on the life of residents of coastal settlements, attempts to control the situation from the central administration, the reactions of local societies, as well as the involvement of locals with the pirate phenomenon, through their participation in the trade of goods and / or of their direct involvement in the crews of pirate ships. The boundary between illegality and legitimacy or rotation of roles and the effects of piracy as an action that destroys or, on the contrary, revitalizes the local economy.

- Cataclysm and trade of slaves in the Cyclades at the end of the 17th century (G. Koutzakiotis)

The Permanent Venetian-Ottoman Wars of the 17th century (1645-1669), (1684-1699) had turned the Cyclades into "no man's Land" by Ben. J. Slot. The action of the Christian Commanders against merchant ships had in the meantime acquired a regularity, which favored the development of a whole range of economic activities which in turn allowed the direct financing and self-supply of the commanders. Slave trade was an important sector of the business that had been developed in the Cyclades. The relevant documentation of the French Consulate of Milos and Kimolos was investigated with the basic documentation of the operation of this trade and its Mediterranean affinities.

- Piracy and Law in the Ottoman Mediterranean of the 17th Century (Joshua M. White)

The announcement explores the efforts of the Ottoman central government in Istanbul to regulate the activities of the corsairs originating from the ever-defunct ports of Algeria, Tunis and Tripoli, as well as to define what constitutes a legally permissible harbor. Since the end of the fifteenth century, the diplomatic tools governing the peaceful relations between the Ottomans and the Venetians, the ahtinamedes, included clauses prohibiting piracy and deportation of nationals of both sides. Similar articles have been incorporated into the ahtinamedes subsequently signed with France, England and the Netherlands. By the 17th century, however, the sultan's surname nationals in North Africa had often stumbled upon these predictions, with Tunisian and Algerian corsairs regularly attacking Venetian ships and cruising on the Venetian coasts in violation of the Treaties and despite their objections Ottoman officials in Constantinople.

- Pirates, commanders of merchant ships and neutral: Maritime violence and international law in the Aegean, 1770-1830 (Will Smiley)
Between 1770 and 1830, naval raiders made the Aegean region increasingly risky. However, these raiders were not always pirated. They often held documents from governments authorizing them to do so. They were legitimate merchant ships. Whatever their legal status and whatever flag they wore, these Raiders were Maltese, Greek Ottoman nationals, or even British. They were often licensed by the Russians during their wars against the Ottoman Empire. Since the 1820s, however, a new sponsor has emerged: the independent Greek state. The announcement argues that legal maneuvers of this kind helped shape the ideas on maritime legislation in the Aegean and beyond.

These non-governmental networks have led to a series of legal discussions that illuminate the changing context of maritime and international law. Initially, these public debates focused on the rights of the warring and neutral states on individuals and property. Wider, however, revolved around who could set and exercise these rights. The Ottoman answers to these questions are listed in the context of the contemporary world debates on the sovereignty, legitimacy and rights of the warriors, as manifested in the Atlantic world by the 1780 and 1800 Armed Neutrality Alliances, the Paris Treaty 1856, and the cases of the US Supreme Court against Himley (1808) and Prize (1863). Thus, hidden Ottoman and Greek aspects of a global affair on maritime violence are emerging, showing how legal discussions on the special rights and duties of individuals and states have become a field of wider reflection on the legitimacy, national sovereignty and importance of an independent state in a a period when the Empire changed its form and ruined the nation state.

-Curb in the Limits of Economic and National Interests: Marketing and diplomacy in the Eastern Mediterranean in the middle of the 18th century (Vassilis Gounaras)
The announcement argues that the legitimacy and effectiveness of the British Corsairs in the Eastern Mediterranean in the middle of the 18th century (1740-1763) was determined by political processes that went beyond the martial law between Britain and France. After a brief presentation of four storylines dealing with people of different origins, an analysis of the Ottoman, French and British factors follows, which highlights the complex issues that defined the national and private interests in the Archipelago during the war periods. Καθώς η Οθωμανική Αυτοκρατορία ήταν σημαντικός εμπορικός εταίρος και επιθυμητός, ενδεχομένως, σύμμαχος τόσο για τους Βρετανούς όσο και για τους Γάλλους, οι κουρσάροι του Βρετανικού στέμματος παγιδεύτηκαν ανάμεσα στα συγκρουόμενα συμφέροντα της Levant Company, τη διφορούμενη στάση των διπλωματών και τις δικές του αντιλήψεις περί εθνικού πολέμου.

- Images of piracy in Ottoman literature, 16th - 18th century. (Marinos Sarigiannis)

Being one of the dominant phenomena of naval life in the Mediterranean, piracy could only leave its traces in Ottoman literature. Particularly the 17th and 18th century folk literature, as well as many more oriental-oriented works, contain several references to pirates and corsairs, both as heroes and protagonists, as well as as opponents and hunters of heroes. This paper discusses texts such as a pirated novel from the late 17th century, various adventurous stories of 18th-century Ottoman 18th-century, as well as more authentic texts of the 16th and 17th centuries on pirates and their treatment.
After the partial individual presentations of part of the speakers' overall presentations, we want to give the conference's exuberant interest, the very positive comments and individual knowledge we have gained. Interesting issues unknown to the many who are worthy to emerge. We hope and believe that we will soon be able to make a remarkable event as mentioned above with our co-operative Professor of Archaeology, Mr. Nikolaos Stambolidis, so that we all here can taste the essence of his knowledge and enjoy his speech that he will have "Piracy from antiquity to the present day".
At the same time, we expect the official minutes from the conference for a similar projection.
Unparalleled positive impressions from the excellent conference we had the honor to participate in. Price for our homeland warmly Congratulations to the organizers.

The "Sylvia Ioannou" Foundation
In 2009 was created the "Sylvia Ioannou Foundation" with the main purpose of putting its collection at the disposal of historians, researchers, scientists in general and collectors all over the world.
In the late 1970s, Sylvia Ioannou, a sister of the shipowner Dakis Ioannou, began a collection of handwritten and rare books for Cyprus aiming at preserving and preserving the cultural heritage of the island. He has collected over 2,000 books, an excellent collection of travel books from the 15th century to today, as well as more than 600 original maps of Cyprus and the wider geographic area of the Middle Ages. In 2010, she successfully conducted her first conference on "Cyprus at the Crossroads of Civilizations, Surveying and Mapping"


Emmanuel I. Petrakis
Chairman of Maritime of Crete
Commodore (E) HN ret.


A melodic journey with the music of the Navy 2014


17-05-2014 / 18-05-2014

International museum day & European night of museums 2014


Museums are living organisms that help create links between visitors, generations and cultures around the world. While they work in the present, they protect and display the past. They are connecting links that enable modern and future generations to better understand their origins and history.

The Maritime Museum of Crete has been pleased to participate for another year in the celebration of the European Museum Night and the International Museum Day, Saturday 17 and Sunday 18 May 2014 respectively, with scheduled events.

On International Museum Day the theme is "Museum collections unite us" and having completed 10 years from the Rebuilding of the Dummy of a Representative Minoan Ship, we focused on it.

On May 17, 2014 at 19:00 -21: 00, a special training program was held in Neorion MORRO (Permanent Exhibition of Ancient and Traditional Shipbuilding) on the theme "10 years Minoan ship", attended by children of elementary schools with a duration of 1 hour Free . The program was also held on Sunday, May 18, 2014 at 10: 00-12: 00 at the Maritime Museum of Crete.


Event with Greeks of Northern Italy 2014

The occasion of the celebration of the National Day of March 25, the Maritime Museum of Crete and the Historical Archive of Crete accepted the proposal and participated in the events that were co-organized in Trieste and Venice.

In Trieste it was co-organized by the Hellenic Foundation for Culture of Italy, the Greek Community of Trieste with the support of the Hellenic Ministry of Culture, and was held under the auspices of the Greek Consulate of Trieste and took place on Saturday, March 29 at 6am. in the Library of the Greek Community of Trieste.

In Venice, it was co-organized by the Greek Orthodox Community of Venice, the Greek Institute of Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Studies and the General Consul of Greece in Venice. The event took place in the Hall of the Hellenic Institute of Byzantine Studies on Sunday 30 March at 4:30 pm.

On these honorable events was presented the dramatic documentary "1866" by F. Konstantinidis in Italian compilation from the northern Crete, in which the historical course of Crete from 1855 to the much-liked union with Mother Greece, and the Historical Movement of Hatzimichalis Giannaris "Kritikopoula".

The co-organizing of these two exceptional events to the Greek patriots and exceptional philhellenes of these historic cities from the Maritime Museum of Crete and the Historical Archive of Crete opened new horizons of the dissemination of the cultural events of our country and the co-organization of similar events in other historic cities with a strong Greek element.

Once again, the overwhelming love and passion for the homeland, for our Greece, of all those who live far away, and great timeless Patriots of our country with a strong preservation of History and language, proved once again.

The co-organizing of these brilliant events in these historic cities with a strong historical background, with the strong presence of Greeks through time, is a great honor for our Museum and opens up new streets, new horizons of spreading the glorious history of our country.


29-03-2014 & 30-03-2014

Trieste & Venice 2014



In the dramatic documentary of the 60-minute production of Maritime Museum of Crete, the historical course of Crete from 1855 until its liberation from the Ottoman yoke and its Union with Greece, with the main thrust of the impressive Revolution of 1866 and the main characters of Kydonias general leader, Yannis Hadjimichalis and his nephew Antonis.
It will also be presented by the Director of the Historical Archive of Crete, Mr. Fournarakis, the historical poem "Cretan" by Hatzimichalis Giannaris, from which the author of the documentary was inspired.

The event is organized on the occasion of the celebration of the 25th March National Holiday, the Hellenic Foundation for Culture of Italy, the Greek Community of Trieste, the Historical Archive of Crete and the Naval Museum of Crete, is carried out with the support of the Hellenic Ministry of Culture, under the auspices of the Greek Consulate General of Trieste.

Trieste, Saturday, March 29, 2014 at 18.00
Library of the Greek Community of Trieste
(Riva III Novembre, 7, II piano)

Venice, Sunday 30 March 2014 at 14.30
Central Hall of the Hellenic Institute of Byzantine Studies in Venice
(Castello 3412 - Venezia 30122)

Hellenic Foundation for Culture, Italy


Philantropic event 2014

Holy Metropolis of Kydonia & Apokoronas,

The Region of Crete - Regional Section of Chania

The Historical Archive of Crete and

The Maritime Museum of Crete

on Wednesday 12 February 2014 at 19:00

at the Cultural Center of Chania,

presented the book

"Admiral Paulos Kountouriotis (1855 - 1935) a Psychographic Approach" by A.Diamantis

The book was presented by Eust. N. Stathopoulos Commodore H.N. (ret.) Peer Professor of University of Crete.

The Choir of Theodoropoulos Schools gave extracts from

the Epic "The Cretan" by Hatzimichalis Giannaris

with the accompaniment of Cretan music by the Pantermaki Brothers.

Event Presentation: Mr. Sifis Markakis Specialist Partner of Regional Section of Chania

Revenues from the sale of the book "Kritikopoula" - "Admiral P. Kountouriotis"

were made available to the Holy Metropolis of Kydonia and Apokoronas for the continuation - completion

of the project Guest - Shortage - Patients at the Chania Hospital.

With the participation of: Navy-Nautiathmos of Crete, "Theodoropoulos" Schools

With the friendly hospitality of Platsidaki SA Porto Veneziano Hotel.



Now that the crisis-moral and economic-is an integral part of our lives, it is necessary to have the models that will inspire us, will transmute their values to us and will translate their struggle into strength and rage for us. Honorary and respectful to all of these, the Navy General Staff published the book by Mr. Aristides G. Diamantis entitled: "Admiral Paulos Kountouriotis (1855-1935) a psychographic approach."

The Holy Metropolis of Kydonia and Apokoronas, the Region of Crete - the Regional Unity of Chania, the Historical Archive of Crete and the Maritime Museum of Crete invite you to the presentation of the book on Wednesday, February 12 at 19.00 at the Cultural Center of Chania. The book will be presented by Eust. N. Stathopoulos Commodore (ret.) Honorary Professor of  University of Crete and the choir of "Theodoropoulou" will yield the excerpt from the epic "Kritikopoula" by Hatzimichalis Giannaris. The event will be co-ordinated by Mr. Sifis Markakis, Special Associate of Regional Unity of Chania. The proceeds from the sale will be made available for the continuation-completion of the guest-patient project at the Hospital of Chania.
From the Holy Metropolis of Kydonias and Apokoronou


Creating stamps and integrating them into the historical events of 2013

The Maritime Museum of Crete, which for 40 consecutive years since its foundation, was an integral part of the Firkas Fortress and with a heavy sense of responsibility of the Members of the Board of Directors for the preservation of the cultural heritage and the maritime tradition of our country it would not be possible not to participate actively in these events.
For these reasons and knowing the excellent philatelic relationship that has developed in recent years with ELTA, has timely proposed the creation of stamps and their inclusion in the context of the historic events of 2013.
This proposal was not only accepted but also used material from our Museum. So, on December 2, 2013 (one day after the Union due to the holidays of our post offices) two stonemasons were presented. The first one presents an unveiled map of our Museum from the donation of Mr. Kostas Tzortzakis, Clouverius, Crete 1676 Crete with a price of 0.72 € and the other a painting of the Fortress of Firka and the Greek Flag waving with a price of 1.00 € taken from a photograph of our archive that the photographer, Mr. Fanis Manousakis, has provided.
These two outstanding stamps are part of the philatelic series of ELTA "NATIONAL HISTORICAL EVENTS 1913 PART C"



A melodic journey with the music of the Navy 2013


An amazing concert, a musical journey that led us all to memories, and filled us with pride for the outstanding work of the music of our glorious Navy held on Sunday December 1, 2013 at the Cultural Centre of our city.
This melodic program, which closed the evening for the official celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Union of Crete with the mother Greece and the celebration of the "40 years of operation of the Naval Museum", will remain for a long time in the memory of people, who were at the Cultural Center.
The honorary plaque that the Chief Admiral Admiral E. Apostolak offered to our Museum in combination with the courtesy of the Navy Music for the realization of this glorious event honors us especially and especially during this celebration period and gives us much strength and courage for the difficult effort we make to develop it, but also to preserve our cultural heritage and spread the history of the glorious Navy.


100 years from union between Crete and Mother Greece 2013



The Maritime Museum of Crete with the Historical Archive of Crete and the Historical National Museum in celebration "100 years from the union of Crete with mother Greece" hadorganized a brilliant event on Monday, November 18, 2013, at 18:30, in the amazing meeting room of the Old Parliament in Athens.

In this event was presented with the re-publication of Hatzi Mihalis Giannaris's "Kritikopoula" (Publication from Historical Archive of Crete and Maritime Museum of Crete) as well as was projected the "1866" Drama Documentary by Fotis Konstantinidis.

The book was presented in a very vivid manner by the well-known actors Gregory Valtinos, Michalis Aerakis (Artistic Director of Municipal Regional Theater of Crete) and the Head of the Historical Archive of Crete, Mr Konstantinos Fournarakis.

The General Secretary of the Historical National Museum, Mr. Ioannis K. Mazarakis - Ainian and the Chairman of Maritime Museum of Crete  Mr. Emm. Petrakis Commodore (Eng.) H.N. (ret.) welcomed the distinguished audience. Mr. Mazarakis offered on behalf of the Historical National Museum a replica of the Flag that was raised in Firka on 1 December 1913 and Mr. Petrakis on behalf of Maritime Museum of Crete an oil painting by the work of Florentini Kaloutsi (from the G. Kaloutsis Collection) Representation of the Hellenic Flag on December 1, 1913.

Τόσο η παρουσίαση του βιβλίου όσο και η προβολή του Ντοκιμαντέρ καθήλωσαν τους εκλεκτούς προσκεκλημένους οι οποίοι χειροκροτούσαν συνεχώς.

The event was presented exceptionally by Mrs. Dina Adamopoulou Head of the Historical Archive - Hydra Museum.

The event was attended by: Deputy Minister of National Defense Mr. Athanasios Davakis, who warmly talked about the event exchanging commemorative with the Maritime Museum of Crete, the Navy Chief Vice-Admiral Evangelos Apostolakis H.N. together with the Chief of Fleet Vice-Admiral P.Litsas H.N., the Deputy Chief General Staff of National Defense Vice-Admiral A. Theodossiou H.N., Vice Admiral G. Yakoumakis Deputy Governor National Defense School, the Commander of the Department of the Lighthouses Commodore K. Manolioudakis H.Ν. together with their executives, the Ambassador of the Republic of Slovenia, Mr. Peter Michalcο, who spoke warmly in Greek, Mr. Leandros Rakintzis General Inspector of Public Administration, the Academic Chrysa Maltezou, Mr. G. Vardinoyiannis, the President of Union of Retired Navy Officers Vice-Admiral Sp. Pervenas, Η.N. with the Board of Directors of the Union, Mr. G. Troulinos G. Director of INTRACOM, the President of the Maritime Museum of Greece, Ms. Anagnostopoulou - Paloumpi, the Specialist Philatelic Advisor of ELTA Mr. M. Konstantinis, Mr. K. Tsiknakis from the National Hellenic Research Foundation, Representatives of other Military Authorities, Presidents - Members of the Cretan Associations, plenty of Retired Navy Officers, a large portion of the descendants of the Yannaris family, as well as the sponsor's family, Mr. Yiannis Platsidakis.

At the entrance was the book "Kritikopoula" from a well-known bookstore of Athens.

The general admission of those present was an Hymn to Crete, the passions of the Cretans until the Union and the struggle of Hatzi Mihalis Giannaris. Several suggestions were made to the co-organizers to resume the event in other cities and places in Greece.

The effort of the two Cultural Institutions of our country (Historical Archive and Maritime Museum of Crete) for the realization of this event in Athens only positive results have resulted in their operation and in the effort to preserve the cultural heritage of our country.











Special Commemorative Folder 2013

Special Commemorative Folder
Maritime Museum of Crete
In the framework of completing the 40 years of operation of the Maritime Museum of Crete and the special relationship with Philately, on Friday, September 27, 2013, an outstanding expert commemorative folder was issued with a stamp of circulation from ELTA (διαστάσεις 18Χ9,5).
This stamp was used by ELTA to seal philatelic envelope files, and not only, with great success. This Folder and the commemorative stamp offered by the Hellenic Post to the Maritime Museum of Crete shows once again the practical support of ELTA to our Museum and in particular the Director and the staff of ELTA Chania, whom we very much like.
This timeless support fills us with joy and strength to continue the difficult Philatelic work. We are preparing for a festive presentation of the Anniversary stamps for the "100th anniversary of the union of Crete with Greece" on December 1, 1913, in the presence of the President of the Hellenic Republic, Mr. Karolos Papoulias.

Emm. Petrakis, Chairman of Maritime Museum of Crete

Commodore (Eng) H.Ν. (ret.).



Visit of students of the annual Maritime Terminology School (KENAP) 2013



The Maritime Museum of Crete, celebrating 40 years of work in the Naval History and Tradition of our country, is especially pleased to welcome the staff and friends of the Navy in our premises. Our primary purpose is the preservation and dissemination of the Maritime Navy's Endless Naval History.

For these reasons we once again welcomed at our Museum on Saturday, September 28, 2013, students from Maritime Operational Terminology Course with a total of 13 qualifiers coming from Tunisia, Ukraine, Jordan, Algeria Montenegro, Egypt, Azerbaijan, Georgia and the United Arab Emirates which took place at the Center for Marine Prevention (KENAP).


27-09-2013 / 29-09-2013

European days of Cultural Heritage 2013


THE EUROPEAN DAYS OF CULTURAL HERITAGE were formally adopted as a European program by the Council of Europe in 1991 and supported by the Commission of the European Union. From 1994 to 2000, the International Steering Committee had the Foundation "roi Baudouin" in Brussels, and since 2001 it has been replaced by the Centro National da Cultura in Portugal.
Greece has been participating in the program since 1994. Each participating country has its own coordinating body. In 2002, 47 European regions participated, all of them members of the European Cultural Convention. The rationale for the program is summarized in the slogan "Europe, a common heritage", that is, to seek our collective memory as European citizens through the promotion of the peculiarities of every people.
The purpose of the program is to realize the awareness of the common European identity at a cultural, social, political and economic level, the redefinition of our relationship with the past, the acquaintance and familiarity with the Other, as well as raising public awareness of the protection of cultural heritage through cooperation between public and private bodies and volunteer organizations.
The European Days of Cultural Heritage are dedicated to their monuments and their preservation and aspire to sensitize citizens on issues of cultural heritage protection. Each year, on a weekend in September, monuments, museums and archaeological sites are opened. Concerts, festivals, exhibitions, guided tours, educational activities, prints, movie screenings, representations give visitors the opportunity to get in touch with the monuments in more direct, pleasant and entertaining ways.
For Greece, the European Days of Cultural Heritage is set on the last weekend of September. Museums, archaeological sites and monuments, preferably those that are closed to the public.

With a presidential decree in 1996, the Ministry of Culture allows free entrance to the museums and archaeological sites all over the country at the weekend of the celebration. Friday is dedicated to the school audience.

The Maritime Museum of Crete participates (September 27-28-29, 2013).

Entrance to the public is free on Friday 27, Saturday 28 and Sunday 29 September 2013.


World tourism day 2013

September 27, 2013. World Tourism Day.

Established by the World Tourism Organization in 1970, in an effort to highlight the role and contribution of tourism in the economic, social and cultural development of the international community.

The Maritime Museum of Crete, in collaboration with the Municipality of Chania and the Municipal Art Gallery, participated for the first time in this celebration with the free entry to both the Museum and the Neorio Moro (Permanent Exhibition of Ancient and Traditional Maritime Architecture) and the visit of Greeks and Foreigners was extremely satisfactory.


Exhibition lighthouses of the world 2013


The exhibition "Lighthouses of the World" was inaugurated on Saturday, 31 August 2013 at 8.30 am with the absolute success, which took place at the Historical Archives-Museum of Hydra in the framework of the "Κουντουριωτείων 2013".

The impressive opening ceremony began with the suggestion of the Director of the Historical Archive - Museum of Hydra, Mr. Konstantina Adamopoulou, who welcomed the guests and coordinated the speakers' speeches.

Then came the greetings: the Mayor of Hydra, Mr. Angelos Kotronis, who congratulated the organizers and especially the Collector and Philatelist Constantine Korres for his unique and valuable collection and the President of the Maritime Museum of Crete Commodore (Eng.) H.N. (ret.) Mr. Emmanuel Petrakis, who is conveying the continuous and active role of the Historical Archive - Museum of Hydra in terms of culture and cooperation in all fields with the Maritime Museum of Crete, proposed the twinning of all the Maritime Museums of Greece.

The collector Mr. Korres then presented his collection, giving information about how he acquired it and enriched it, displaying at the same time samples of Lighthouse stamps. Finally, the Commander of the Lighthouse Service, Commodore H.Ν. Mr. Konstantinos Manolioudakis, in his speech, referred to the importance of the existence of the Lighthouse and the valuable contribution of the Lighthouse Service for the preservation of the stone beams of our country.
The evening was closed by exchanging commemorative gifts between the two Museums, the Municipality of Hydra, the Navy, the representative of the Hellenic Post, Mr. Konstantinos Korres and a guided tour to the very interesting exhibition where, among other things, the show "stole" four impressive collector paintings, made up of thousands of stamps of stamps. The beautiful evening closed with an excellent treat where the guests had the opportunity to enjoy rich Cretan dishes.

Our warmest thanks to the Members and Friends of our Museum who loved us in the search for the light of the lighthouses and participated in our effort to co-organize a brilliant Event.

The "Lighthouse of the World" exhibition will last until the end of September.
Visiting hours 9.00 - 4.00 and 7.30 - 9.30.


Visit of Deputy Minister of National Defense 2013





On Tuesday, April 30, 2013 Deputy Minister of National Defense Admiral Dim. Elefsiniotis within the framework of Visit - Information for Military Units of the Region, we had the honor to welcome him along with the Director of the Office Vice Admiral Ioannis Konstantinidis H.N. (ret.) and guide them to the museum.

The presence in our Museum as well as their impressions in the guestbook give us joy and strength to continue our difficult task of preserving and disseminating the maritime history and heritage of our country.


15th Children's Expression and Creation 2013

For the 15th consecutive year, our Museum successfully organized Children's Expression and Creation on Wednesday, April 24, 2013 as part of the Educational Programs and the participation of the world was great.The Educational Programs have begun in 1999 and we constantly improve and adapt to the new conditions.
For one more year, we had the pleasure of having us with the event: the 2nd Elementary School of Chania and the second class with their teachers Mr. Ioannis Drakakis, Mr. Eleni Iordanidou and the trainer of the school Mr Mylonopoulou Nancy and the 2nd All-day Ecological Kindergarten of Chania with Mrs Katsifaraki Thiresia. We thank them very much for the excellent cooperation we have and we would like to continue so.
Also this year for the first time we had the First Primary School of Mournia, the department ST2 and the teacher, Mr. Kitsou Giota, as well as the Theodoropoulou Schools with the E 'class and their teacher Mr. Gyarakis Stella. Their choir was excellent with the musician Mr. Chalevelakis Georgia and of course thank Pantermaki brothers for the friendly participation. We feel that with these schools we will have close bonds in the future as we make a very good start with the teachers having a lot of appetite and a willingness to offer the best to both their students and us all.
Moreover, we had the pleasure of organizing a contest for another year, but this time the concept is a construction of a model of "100 years of union of Crete with Greece", in which they participated the Private School of Naval Station, the Primary School of Tsikalaria and the 8th Primary School of Chania, with children's creations surpassing even our expectations, in a competition that we can say is quite demanding. Also, a special model came from the 36th Kindergarten of Chania for the battle of Crete on the occasion of a "project" they have done since the beginning of the year. Finally, we would like to thank Mr. Polykarp Apostolaki, a member of the Board of Directors who donated many stamps for children, the ELTA that remain next to us once again, but also all those who helped with this event.








I know and I respect my city 2013


With the participation of dozens of citizens of all ages, the Municipality of Chania continued on Sunday, March 24, the program that organizes and implements for the second consecutive year entitled "I know and respect my city", including free guided tours of historical and cultural sites, museums and archaeological sites, in collaboration with scientific and professional bodies of culture and tourism.

The program of Sunday, March 24, included a tour by the President of the Maritime Museum of Crete, M. Petrakis, in the Egyptian Lighthouse of Chania and the permanent exhibition of Ancient and Traditional Naval Architecture - Minoan Ship of the Maritime Museum of Crete, during which the participating citizens were "initiated" in the secrets of the Lighthouse - the trademark of Chania - and they admired the Minoan ship, the main exhibit of the Maritime Museum of Crete, which is a means of promoting Cretan culture over the centuries. The present at the tour gave from the Municipal Authority the Deputy Mayor of the Old City Mr. Xinidis.
Every Sunday morning (11.00) and a tour!
The "I know and respect my city" program of the Municipality of Chania will be held every Sunday until the end of May 2013 with the start of each tour at 11.00 am. Participation in the program is free of charge for all, with a prerequisite but timely participation to ensure the quality of the tour guide service. So far, three (3) tours have taken place and up to May eight (8) tours will be held as follows:
Μάρτιος 2013
• 31/03/2013: Guided tour of "Old Town of Chania" (from the guides of Chania / Meeting Point - Starting point: Municipal Market Square)
April 2013
• 07/04/2013: Guided tour of "Old Town of Chania" (from the guides of Chania / Meeting Point - Starting point: Plateia of the Municipal Market)
• 14/04/2013: Guided Tour at the "Byzantine Museum and Western Fortifications of Chania" (by Mr. Michalis Andrianakis / Meeting Point: Plateau Talo - Old Port)
• 21/04/2013: Tour to "Ancient Aptera" (by the Archaeologist Mrs. Vana Niniou-Kindeli / Meeting Point: Central Square of Aptera)
• 28/04/2013: "Chania Lighthouse & Permanent exhibition of Ancient and Traditional Naval Architecture - Minoan Ship" (by the President of the Maritime Museum of Crete Mr. Manolis Petrakis / Meeting Point: Neorion of Moro - Venetian Harbor)
May of 2013
• 12/05/2013: Guided tour of the "Naval Museum of Crete" (by the President of the Maritime Museum Mr. Manolis Petrakis / Meeting Point: Maritime Museum of Crete)
• 19/05/2013: Tour to the "Architectural Monuments of Chania" (by the Architecture Association of Chania / Meeting Point - Starting Point: Municipal Market Square)
• 26/05/2013: Guided Tour at the "Museum of Typography" (by the Museum Manager Elia Koumi / 10:30 am Departure from the Municipal Market Square)
For more information and participation requests, those who are interested can contact the Tourism Department of the Municipality of Chania from Monday to Friday from 10:00 to 13:00 at 28213 41666 or on e-mail:


Visit of the retired officers of Navy 2013



On March 9, 2013 Members of the Union of Retired Officers of Navy Part of Crete visited our Museum and were guided to its premises.

We are very happy and we believe we have managed to showcase our spaces and the way we all work together to develop it.

There was also a thorough discussion as well as a presentation of the historical exhibits of the Maritime Tradition of the Glorious Navy and the Maritime History of our country.
We hope that this difficult task we will perform will be alongside us as we have done so far.


Anniversary of 100 years of the Balkan Wars 2012


On Saturday, December 8, 2012 in the hall of the Spiritual Center of our city, in the presence of Military and Political Authorities, clergy and crowd, a festive event was held for the 100th anniversary of the 1912-1913 Balkan Wars and the victorious naval battles of the Navy.

The event featured a documentary entitled "Balkan Wars 1912-1913. The main speaker was the Vice Admiral Ioannis Paloubis Η.Ν. (ret.). Also, Mr. Ioannis Mazarakis - Ainian, General Secretary of the National Historical Museum of Greece, was honored for his contribution to the Naval Museum of Crete and Mr. Kostas Tzortzakis for his great donation, Venetian heritage, with enough archival material.

Then, from the Navy, through the Fleet Commander Konstantinos Mazarakis - Ainian, the sword of Officer from the 1912 - 1913 fights was donated to the Naval Museum of Crete.

The beautiful night was completed with a musical journey from the Band of the Navy, in which conductor is the commander Georgios Tsilibaris. Evdokia Moisidou (soprano), Theodoros Birakos (baritone) and Stavros Salampassopoulos (tenor) sang.




99th anniversary of union with Greece 2012


With president of the Greek parliament, Evangelos Maimarakis, the annual events celebrating the anniversary of the union of Crete with Greece took place in Chania.
The events, organized by the Regional Unity of Chania, the Municipality of Chania began in the morning, with glorification at the Metropolitan Church of the Presentation of the Virgin Mary.

The consecutive procession to the Firka Fortress, the beginning of the Flame, was held and the morning events were closed with a festive speech by the Mayor of Chania, Emm. Skoulakis and immediately afterwards a visit was made to the Maritime Museum of Crete as well as the presentation of new exhibits of the Museum from the collection  / Tzortzaki. This collection includes the archival material of the Tzortzis family (Venetian period) such as maps, papyri, various documents.


3rd Annual Conference of KENAP 2012


On Monday, June 25, 2012 at 19:30, the "3rd Annual Conference of KENAP" was held in Neorion Moro (Permanent Exhibition of Ancient and Traditional Naval Architecture). The conference was attended by 61 delegates from 13 countries, namely England, France, Germany, Greece, United Arab Emirates, USA, Japan, Italy, Canada, Qatar, Poland, Romania and Turkey.

The purpose of the conference was to explore novel methods, factors and models to maintain the level of security of maritime operations while reducing the costs involved.




Creative expressions of the children of Hydra 2012


The Historical Archive - Museum of Hydra, awarded the artistic works of the students of the island who took part in the Contest entitled "Creative expressions of the children of Hydra" with personal stamps of ELTA.
Within the framework of the friendship between the two islands and their museums, which has begun with the best prospects, the Maritime Museum of Crete was represented by its Chairman Mr. Petrakis Manolis, Commodore HN. ret. on the beautiful island of Hydra.

The participation of our Museum was filled with joy, and even the Chairman of the Maritime Museum of Crete moved a proposal by the Deputy Mayor of Chania to organize other events together and also for a possible twinning of the two Municipalities.
All children took envelopes with stamps (about 165) again with the courtesy of Mr. Polykarpos Apostolakis member of our Museum.


The event as well as the hospitality of the island of Hydra was excellent and we are completely satisfied because these two parties have demonstrated that a strong friendship has begun with philately. We appreciate that such efforts can only have a very positive impact on all of us.


14th Expression and Creation of children 2012


On May 19, 2012, at 18:30, the "14th Children's Expression and Creation" was held at Shipyard Moro (Permanent Exhibition of Ancient and Traditional Naval Architecture), the annual event of the children attending the educational programs of our Museum and presented their activities in combination with the European Museum Night (May 18, 2012).At the same time, the Awards of the Painting Competition on "The Marine Environment" and the awarding of Commemorative Diplomas to all the children that participated were also held. The participation of the children was enormous. There were about 400 children in the competition.
The prize-winners received a special postage stamp with their painting, courtesy of ELTA.
Together with the Commemorative Diplomas were donated to all children and stamps envelopes made available by the member of the Board of Directors, Mr. P. Apostolakis (A total of approximately 18,000 stamps).


International Museum Day 2012

On Friday, May 18, 2012 at 18.30, an event entitled "The role of the museums in a rapidly changing world" was held in Shipyard Moro (Permanent Exhibition of Ancient and Traditional Naval Architecture) on the occasion of the International Museum Day in cooperation with the Greek section ICOM.
The main speaker of the event was the head of the Historical Museum - Hydra archive, Dina Adamopoulou.

Apostolos Voulgarakis Chief of Regional Unit of Chania welcomed the event, while the Head of the Historical Archive of Crete, Zacharenia Semantraki, referred to the World Museum Day.
The event was generally admired by the abundance of attendees.



I know my city 2012


On Saturday, March 24, 2012 at 11.00, a new action titled "I know my city - guided tour and acquaintance with the Maritime Museum of Crete" will be held at the Maritime Museum of Crete for the first time in collaboration with the Municipality of Chania.
This action will take place every Saturday until the end of April 2012, while participation is free for everyone.

The purpose of the Maritime Museum of Crete is to make the inhabitants and visitors of Chania familiar with the nautical history of our country, our nautical traditions, and to love the marine element as a source of life and national grandeur.




After 38 years of operation, our Museum, at our request and the submission of the required documentation, was officially a member of the International Council of Museums (ICOM) in November 2011, and it was suggested that our representatives be represented in international committees (there are 33). We have already suggested that our Museum educator should participate in one of these.

At the same time, the necessary actions have been taken, that is to say, the necessary documentation has been sent to America in order to become members of the ICMM International Maritime Museum Council.

It is expected within a few days the answer and we hope it will be positive here as well.

With these actions, our Museum is officially part of the World Map of Museums and we believe it is a further reason for strengthening and confirming not only our existence but also our International Recognition.

22-10-2011 / 30-10-2011

12th Annual Static Modeling Exhibition 2011

October 22-30, 2011: 12th Annual Static Modeling Exhibition was held in Shipyard MORO with the Static Modeling Association of Chania. This report was proposed after its establishment to become a event in whole Crete.


Event for the completion of "100 years since the reception of the destroyer G. AVEROF" 2011

Saturday, September 24: A festive event was held to complete "100 years since the receipt of the G. AVEROF G / C" in Greece at the Cultural Center of Chania. Co-organizing Navy Nautical Crete - Anti-Regions - Municipality - Mon. Employees of the Nafthathmos of Crete. The main speaker is the Vice Admiral. I. Paloumpis P. Honorary Deputy Chief of General Staff of the Hellenic National Geographic Union on "Averof-Kountouriotis-Nautical Symbols of Aegean Hellenicity". The exhibition was presented both with archival material provided by Mady Kountourioti and Dim. Herinakis as well as photographic material of the period from the archival material of the Museum. At the end of the event, commemorations by the Greek Cypriot MP Averoff were offered to the officials as well as to the Honorary Presidents and Secretary General of our Museum.




Second annual KENAP 2011 conference

June 27, 2011: The second annual conference of KENAP was held in Shipyard MORO.

17-06-2011 / 19-06-2011

Philatelic Exhibition in Shipyard Moro 2011

17-19 June: A Philatelic Exhibition was organized in Shipyard MORO with the Philatelic-Cultural Society of Chania, Pharos, in which Philatelists from Crete and the rest of Greece participated.17-06-2011-17-06-2011-1

04-06-2011 & 05-06-2011

2nd Festival for Children, Crete 2011

4-5 June 2011: Participation of the Maritime Museum of Crete at the 2nd Children's Festival of Crete held in St. Nicholas. The presentation of the Museum and the Educational Programs left visitors very good.


Speech by Dr. of Philosophy Mr. Litsas Hatzopoulou on "Fighting in Crete in May 1941" 2011


May 15: (Neorio MORO) in the framework of the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Battle of Crete in collaboration with local actors and ELTA, Philosophy by Litsas Hatzopoulou on "Fighting in Crete in May 1941. The Chronicle and the History of an Imaging". There was also an official presentation of the stamp issued by ELTA upon our proposal and a stamp exhibition on the Battle of Crete as well as Crete in general. This event has been widely acknowledged as a huge success, and the postage stamp is sent to friends of the Museum around the world along with the first day of the release file we had released. His acceptance by the Philadelphian audience was great.

In addition, after our proposal, OTE has released a phonecard which on the front side has our first day of circulation that has been created by our Museum. This phone card has a great collectible value and the corresponding collectors got it on the same day. Also, on 15 May we participated again at the European Museum Night organized for the seventh consecutive year.15-05-2011-2


Film from the Korean Channel EBS for the Maritime Museum of Crete and the Shipyard MORO

29-03-2011March 29, 2011: Museum and the Shipyard Moro was filmed from the Korean Channel EBS, which creates a world documentary entitled "Exploring Human Culture. "Exploration the Human Civilization". They have filmed in the most important archaeological sites of the world, including the Acropolis with its Museum, Delphi-Mycenae-Knossos and our Museum, knowing about the quality of our ships' models and the existence of the Minoan ship. This documentary will be screened in Korea-Japan-USA and will also send us a copy for a similar projection.


Presentation of the Lighthouses of Greece - Crete to the children of the 14th Primary School of Rethymnon 2011

23-03-2011March 22, 2011: Participation in the Comminius program with the 14th Elementary School of Rethymno with speech - presentation of the Lighthouses of Greece - Crete to the children of the School - parents by the President of the Museum. For the same program, there were also guided tours of children from European countries who were visiting in collaboration with the 8th Elementary School of Chania.

27-01-2011 & 28-01-2011

NATO / FORACS Members / Members Meeting

27-01-201127-28 January 2011: and in the framework of ongoing cooperation with the Navy, the annual NATO / FORACS Members / Members Meeting was held in Shipyard MORO for the first time.


Event for Antikythera Mechanism 2010

Event for the Antikythera Mechanism held at MORO Neorion on October 15 in collaboration with the National Kapodistrian University of Athens - The Association of Friends of Astronomy of Crete and the Organizations of our city. The main speaker was the Associate Professor of Pan. Athens, Mr. Mousas and Messrs. Kriaris - Balteas Professors of the University. The general admission of the attendees was a great success. Thereafter, a copy of the Mechanism along with its relevant accessories was transferred to the Museum until 15 December 2010. Many of our fellow citizens visited the exhibition.



The Maritime Museum of Crete participated actively in the 8th Session of the Hellenic Navy with its President held in Argostoli, Kefalonia, 21 and 22 August 2010. At this Conference, had the position of Vice-President and the presentation of the positions and proposals were catalytic. Present our Museum in the best possible way and after a unanimous decision of the Board, a proposal was made that the next (9th) will take place in 2010 in Piraeus with the prospect of celebrating the 10th Congress in Chania in 2014.


Mr Corre's Stamp Exhibition "Lighthouses of the World"

• In July 2010, the Maritime Museum of Crete participated in the second phase of the twinning of the Municipality of Chania - Pafos with the exhibition of postage stamps by Mr. Korres "Lighthouses of the World". The exhibition was held in an exhibition space of the old Pafos Electric Company with great participation of the world and excellent impressions. At the same time, the Mayor of Paphos offered during the opening ceremony a special honorary plaque to our Museum.

• The first Static Modeling Seminar in Shipyard MORO was conducted by the Static Modeling Group of Chania in July (every weekend in the morning) with a significant participation of young people.


Stamp exhibition on "Navigation" from all over the world with Mr. Korres' stamps, 2011

In May 2010 and in the context of the Battle of Crete, in conjunction with the European Night of Museums in collaboration with the Municipality of Chania, the exhibition of stamps from the world of Mr. Konstantinos Korres was held at the Center for Mediterranean Architecture. During the opening of the exhibition, Mr. Korres donated the whole exhibition to our Museum. Donation made with great pleasure acceptable.

At the same time, a suitable venue for the exhibition is being prepared. In addition to this day, our Museum, in cooperation with EL.TA, released a commemorative collectible leaflet with ten (10) ship stamps (limited number) 200 pcs. with great acceptance from the Philatelic audience.

In addition, he was awarded:

Honorary Diploma to Lieutenant Colonel Stylianos Falieros HN ret. for the timeless help - his offer with models of ships at the Museum and was awarded to a Grand Donor.

b. Honorary Diploma to former sailor A. Vetta for his help during the first period of operation of the Museum (1973) and to the late Stelios Xanthoudakis for his assistance in the foundation of the Museum with the prospect of future events, such awards will continue.


11th Children's "Expression and Creation"

The Maritime Museum of Crete on 3 June organized the annual children's "Expression and Creation" event with primary schools attended educational programs of the our Museum and children participating in the Pan-European "Night of the Museums" event.


Night of the Museums

Since 2005, the European Night of Museums has been created as an institution and has developed an effective link between the European Museums. The Maritime Museum of Crete responding to this call this year, opens its halls on Saturday 16 May and invites the public with free entry from 20:00 to 23:00 on a nighttime tour of its premises. The same applies to Shipryard Moro.


Memorial event devoted to the sacrifice of the submarine PROTEUS (Y3)

The Maritime Museum of Crete organizes the Memorial event dedicated to the sacrifice of the submarine "PROTEUS" (Y3) during the war of 1940 and for Lieutenant George Maridakis. The event, which will take place at the Cultural Center of Chania on Monday, October 27, 2008, at 19.00, is under the auspices of the Region of Chania.


Event of "Children's expression and creation"

The Maritime Museum of Crete organizes the "Children's Expression and Creation" event, which will be held at Shipyard Moro (Old Harbor) on Wednesday, June 4th at 19.00. The children of Kindergartens and Primary Schools of our Prefecture will be pleased to present their creations from the programs they attended at the Maritime Museum of Crete.


Night of the Museums

On Saturday 17 May, the Maritime Museum of Crete participated for the third consecutive year at the European Night Museum event, coordinated each year by the French Ministry of Culture. More than 2000 museums in 40 countries participated, and it was a delightful occasion for organizing educational activities.


“International exhibition 4-30 August” 2007

As part of a European program, the "Mediterranean Network of Mediterranean Media Networks for the Protection of the Cultural Heritage of the Mediterranean" has been set up. As a result, the traveling international exhibition "The Streets of the Sea" was set up, which opened the tour on 18 June in Palermo, to travel to ten cities in the Mediterranean, including Chania.
