
1. Supporters

1.- Moral support

Since the beginning of this initiative, there was significant moral support of eminent members of the Greek society, which resulted in the formation of a Honorary Committee. It was this moral support that gave the strength to the Board of Directors for this hard and daring enterprise. The museum considered particularly honorable the decision of the Minister of Culture at that period to take the program under the patronage of the Ministry.

2.- Financial Support

Since the beginning there were several donations from individuals and from the private sector, which expressed the team spirit and the embracement of our society of this great enterprise. Very important was the support from the Ministers of Culture and Economy and Economics M r. E. Venizelos and Mr. N. Christodoulakis respectively but also from the I. Kostopoulos Foundation.

3.- Sponsors

Major Sponsors:   

Sponsor of the Experimental Trip: Ethniki Asfalistiki (Insurance Company)

Sponsor of Communication: Newspaper KATHIMERINI

2. Honorary Committee

  • Metropolitan Bishop of the counties Kisamos and Selino, Reverend Irineos
  • Metropolitan Bishop of the counties Kudonia and Apokoronas, Reverend Irineos
  • K. Mitsotakis, former Prime Minister of Greece
  • G. Katsanevakis, Prefect of Chania
  • G. Tzanakis - K. Virvidakis, Mayors of Chania
  • I. Filis, Dean of Technical University of Crete
  • E. Lagaras, Admiral (ret.) Honorary Head of General Navy Staff
  • G. Theodoroulakis, Admiral (ret.) Honorary Head of General Navy Staff
  • M. Zombanakis, Chairman of "International Advisory Counsil"
  • I. Kostopoulos, Chairman of the Bank "Alpha Bank"