It is with great pleasure and honor that on Saturday, September 14, 2024 at 11:00 a.m., the opening of our philatelic exhibition on the theme “NAVIGATION – NAVIGAZIONE” was held at the Central European Telegraph and Postal Museum in Trieste, Italy, which is part of the philatelic collections of Maritime Museum of Crete.
The co-organizers of the exhibition are the Hellenic Foundation for the Culture of Italy, (Fondazione Ellenica di Cultura – Italia, Trieste), the Italian Post Office (Poste Italiane) with the Telegraph and Postal Museum of Central Europe (Museo Postale e Telegrafico della Mitteleuropa) and the Maritime Museum of Crete. The exhibition has been placed under the auspices of the Consulate General of Greece in Italy (Consolato Generali di Grecia), the Consulate of Cyprus in Italy (Consolato di Cipro) and the Greek Orthodox Community of Italy (Comunità Greco Orientale).
At the opening of the exhibition, the Director of the Telegraph and Postal Museum of Central Europe, Mrs. Emmanuella de Domenico, the Director of the Hellenic Foundation for Italian Culture, Mrs. Aliki Kefalogiannis, the President of the Hellenic Community Admiral Stylianos Ritsos and the President of the Maritime Museum of Crete Captain (Eng) HN ret. Mr. Emmanuel Petrakis. The event was attended by a large number of people, members and friends of our Museum from Greece and abroad, Greeks and Philhellenes of the area, who expressed their positive impressions of the exhibition. The possibility of moving and displaying the exhibition in Ljubljana, Slovenia was suggested. The exhibition was supposed to remain until October 12, but an extension was requested and granted until October 26, 2024, so that it would be possible to visit the exhibition of participants of the 56th “Barcolana” (an international regatta, held every year in Trieste).
We sincerely thank the Director of the Hellenic Foundation for Culture in Italy Ms. Aliki Kefalogianni but also in the person of Mrs. Emmanuella de Domenico the Italian Post Office and especially the Postal and Telegraphic Museum of Central Europe for their undivided trust and help in making the exhibition possible, as well as the Consul of Cyprus and vice president of the Grimaldi Lines company Mr. Michalis Hatzakis and the President of the Hellenic Community Mr. Stylianos Ritsos for their kind help.
The effort to extrovert our Museum and to promote our Maritime Tradition and the History of our place continues with the realization of exhibitions on various topics both in Greece and abroad.
In parallel with the exhibition on the theme “NAVIGATION- NAVIGAZIONE”, a philatelic exhibition on the theme “LIGHTHOUSES OF THE WORLD” is being hosted at the Santorini Maritime Museum and we are preparing for the presence and participation of our Museum at the 29th Forum of the Association of Maritime Museums of the Mediterranean in Sesimbra, Portugal .